The choirs at Mount Vernon High School are nationally recognized and awarded. With Jesus Gomez at the helm, our program has continued to grow and flourish. Our choirs celebrate diversity and humanity as we make music together. There is a place for everyone within our seven ensembles including opportunities for leadership and individual growth.

This ensemble is our non-auditioned treble choir. Most students who sing soprano or alto begin in this choir. This ensemble focuses on laying the foundations of a successful musician including sight reading, musical terminology, solfege among others.

This ensemble is our large tenor-bass ensemble, also non-auditioned. All tenors and basses begin in this choir. Troubadours also lays the foundation of a successful musician by developing key skills during rehearsal.

Cantus is our auditioned treble ensemble. Students who wish to sing in an all treble ensemble and further develop their skills participate in this choir. The distinguished maturity and richness in the sound of this ensemble comes from students who are dedicated to making beautiful music.

As the premier large ensemble offered at MVHS, Concert choir is a mixed ensemble made up of advanced musicians whose effort is reflected in the quality of their performance. Concert choir has travelled around the country to participate in festivals and perform in amazing spaces. They are recognized by others in the community by the green robes they wear.

Our student-led treble ensemble. Members of Concert Choir interested in the intricacies of singing in a small ensemble have the opportunity to develop their leadership skills in this ensemble. These students collaboratively lead themselves to prepare their selected pieces.

Our student-led tenor-bass ensemble. Concert choir students audition for this ensemble for the unique opportunity to participate in a small-ensemble led by their peers. These students select and prepare pieces on their own.

This is our mixed small ensemble. Students in this ensemble are the leaders of our choir program. They work collaboratively to prepare many genres of music, some of which are arranged by the students themselves.